Laparoscopic Management of Complex Hydatid Cysts: A Case Series from a Developing Country


Hina Gupta*, Ranjeet Ahirwar and Ram Mohan Shukla

Hydatid cyst, also known by the name, Cystic Echinococcosis is a zoonotic disease caused by echinococcus species, by the larval stage of Echinococcus Granulosus and Echinococcus Multilocularis, a tape worm affecting dogs, sheep, cattle (definitive host) and human (incidental host). Most of the human infections are asymptomatic as the infection involves a slowly growing cyst in visceral organs, commonly involving liver and lungs. The aim of the study is to access presentation patterns, characteristics, radiological investigations and laparoscopic management of complex hydatid cysts affecting liver and spleen. We present a case series of five such complex hepatic and splenic hydatid cysts over a duration of one year in our institute. Majority of the patients were females who presented with long history of pain in abdomen, vomiting, had contact with cattle, underwent radiological investigations and were operated by laparoscopic approach with uneventful post-operative course and minimal complications.