2020 Conference Announcement on Annual Neurologists and Neurosurgeons Meet

2021 Conference Announcement - Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery (2021)

2020 Conference Announcement on Annual Neurologists and Neurosurgeons Meet

Douglas Zochodne Professor*
1Department of neurology, Canada
*Corresponding Author:

Douglas Zochodne, Professor, Department of neurology, Canada, Tel: (780) 248-1928, Email:

Published: 25-Feb-2021



It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the “Annual Neurologists and Neurosurgeons Meet” which is to be held on October 30 -31st 2020 via Webinar”. This event is organized by Conference Series LLC, conducts 3000+ conferences every year in all the major scientific disciplines across Europe, USA & Asia which is being received by more than 25 million researchers, scholars, students all over the world.

The theme of our conference is based on “Innovations, Rehabilitations & Therapeutic Strategies by leading experts”. The conference invites all the Nurses, Psychiatrist, Neuropsychiatric, Neurosurgeons, Neurologists, Emergency medicine specialists, International speakers, Scientists, Researchers, University Professors, Students, College Faculties and Healthcare professionals to share their experience in this broad field.

Why should attend?

It can really help you to have that expert authority in your field of specialization compared to your peers. This will give you a chance to broaden your knowledge on dental specializations which can give you a chance speak on dental events or write publications. Most patients always like to deal with dentists who have an authority on their fields of specialization

Submission guidelines and registration prices information for Speakers and Delegates are posted on the Neurologists Conference 2020 website at entries will be accepted from November 01, 2019- October 15, 2020.

Neurologists 2020 will be held in Vancouver, Canada through Webinar.

Neurologists 2020 aims to provide a platform where academics and practitioners from cross-disciplinary fields from education, industry, and business can come together and collaborate. The event will encourage the exploration of the potential synergies that may arise from pooling the different perspectives. We invite you to submit papers on Neurologists Nursing 2020. Poster and oral presentations, and thesis presentations will be included in the Conference Program. Annual Neurologists & Neurosurgeons sciences cover all aspects of Anxiety, Neurology disorders and psychology, and broadly encompass the psychology of behavioral of child & adolescent.

Subject Advantages:

Learning in a New Space

New Tips & Tactics

Contact person:

Alex jonathan

Neurologists Conference 2020 | Conference series LLC
